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Category Archives: Uncategorized
Cadet League
Every Monday from 6.30pm until 8.30pm latest.
A new venture which we hope will offer players U15 a vital stepping stone to gaining competitive experience, which is absolutely essential in order to improve, alongside coaching.
This league is aimed at absolute beginners up to a respectable intermediate level and anyone below 15 can join. All levels are encouraged and will be graded to make it fair.
To take part, you will need to join our WhatsApp group specifically for this League.
Friday League
An excellent opportunity to play v many others. Every Friday we run up to three divisions of all levels from 7pm until 10pm. Practice from 6.30pm and punishment for non-attendance without notice. Over 130 people have joined us so far.
To join you simply need to request to join our Friday League Group via WhatsApp. Link, bottom right.
Cash prizes periodically, trophies for player of the month. This league is a real treat with a full blown ranking system and a great way to meet new people.